Crystalline Intelligence - Seeds of Symmetry

The book "Crystalline Intelligence - Seeds of Symmetry", is a 229-page scientific and mathematical refutation of Darwinism. Even ChatGPT AI agrees that the Nucleotide Operations Per Second (NOPS) of the entire planet are at least 10 orders of magnitude too small to randomly organize Life as we see it. "Seeds of Symmetry" mathematically explains why. A second book in the series, to be published this year 2023, will then further propose that the automata of life were predestined by the valences, electronegativities, molecular bond angles that are implicit within The Periodic Table of The Elements. Thus, speciations occur as quantum jumps from one quantum "gene space" speciation/adaptation (hyperdimensional) cluster to the next. This view leaves behind the dusty Victorian view of random walk Darwinism, and brings to the reader the more realistic and modern view we now see with current tools such as the Atomic Force Microscope. Proteins fold to Native State within microseconds to milliseconds, when a random search would require billions of Universes of time. - For a more in depth introduction, visit - For purchase of book PDF, click Image below

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