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Crystalline Intelligence - Seeds of Symmetry - Second Edition

Crystalline Intelligence(R) - Seeds of Symmetry

is a serpentine scientific study of Charles Darwin's hypothesis on the evolution of life.  Using readily available references, facts and simple mathematics, an astounding and scientifically robust conclusion is reached.  Even if one imposed the Nucleotide Operations Per Second (NOPS) of the entire planet solely upon randomly forging Human DNA, earth's life engine would fall thousands if not millions of orders of magnitude short of the task.  The billions of years of earth's existence are infinitesimal to the time required.  Without an intelligent automata driving life's processes from the first instant of the Universe, our own existence would be impossible.


The author's own experience at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory DOSAR/HPRR Fast Burst Reactor spawned his earliest realization that DNA is very robust, even in the face of thousands of massive, barely sub-kinetic radiation bursts.  No beneficial mutations were ever induced, and only degradation and death of seeds, plants and microbial systems were observed.


Scientists such as Stanford's Dr. Rama Balakrishnan are referenced, her conclusion being that the 3 Billion Base Pairs of Human DNA might reasonably have a logarithmically median value of 10^4,515,450 combinations.  The comparatively paltry 10^24 NOPS of the planet, per University of Edinburgh, highlights the sheer impossibility of randomly developed life, especially in species with long generational lengths.  In the face of such numbers, Natural Selection pales to the dusty Victorian fabrication that it actually is.


This book contains 140+ QR Codes for all references, allowing for an exciting and dynamic QRInteractive(R) experience.  While continuing to view the material in electronic or hard copy form, a Smartphone/Tablet can be used to simultaneously explore each video, PDF or online article.  So, come along on this serpentine journey through pure science and personal experiences even including an electron micrographic (with elemental analysis for celestial materials) study of strange Carbonaceous Molar Tooth rocks from shores near Galveston, possibly related to the Chixulub Asteroid Strike.  Other topics include the science and math behind the scientific instruments used in the study of life, the self-similarity of Fractals in the expressions of life, and many others.